After registration in search engines and directories girder
following pop method of promotion - buy or exchange links. What can it give? In
principle, the same sense that with directories. External links to good,
fatty, close topics sites, increase PR, Alexa Rank, and with the successful
placement also deliver traffic. Exchange begins with. Generally, the exchange
is not accepted with enthusiasm by the search engines and the algorithms of the
search engines are trying to identify these facts, and "hamstring"
sites seen in the obese. This happens because it is an artificial cheat and
search engine strive to improve the quality of search and respected natural
links. So in at least they like to think -.) links are direct and cross. Direct
- A site refers to the site B, site B to your site A. Cross - site A links to
site B, site B to site C, Site C to Site A or other schemes, but the general
sense, I think, is clear .. How better? No consensus - some believe that direct
links are better, others that cross. Personally, Advertising
agencies in Karachi my opinion, this should not be abused at
all. No you will not be in a reasonable amount of outgoing, even direct links.
Generally, it is believed that on each page should be no more than 50
references, because more searchers ignore, but I prefer to do a much smaller
value (I basically do not do it on purpose, did not actively practice and
practiced). Usually about free exchange agree, it's the same exchange. The
following conclusions if you PR-1, CY-0, hardly any site PR-5, CY-3000 will be
with you to change ... So, as a rule, a more realistic exchange with sites
having similar performance. Although it happens in different ways, in many
respects depends on luck and talent to negotiate. I can be in the following
ways: 1) Directly negotiating with web masters vending sites Advertising
agencies in Pakistan you; 2) using special service. I will not go
into detail and describe the features of each, just give a list of the most
popular, having a normal reputation. Understand they will not Tips for link
exchange: 1) changes references to related sites. It is certainly possible, and
not thematic, but it will not be effective; 2) me to sites that have some
PageRank and TCI (the higher the better) 3) Reference text is not the least
important, consider it, to make it relevant to your page, in addition, his
attempt to diversify. 4) Page where you placed a link should be available for
indexing by search engines, it should not be a page - mess with hundreds of
outgoing links; 5) Under the links can provide a separate page, but it's the
same should not be trashed, I contain no more than 50 references, in addition
it should also have some PageRank, TCI and should be indexed, otherwise such an
exchange is not interested in anyone; 6) If there is a possibility of
cross-sharing - use. If you have multiple projects, ask for a link to one of
them, and give yourself a link from another. Really a such exchange must be
mutual interest to and beneficial; 7) Not necessarily, to share with the main
pages, if pages 2-3 levels indexed by search engines and have a decent PageRank
and Alexa Rank, then why not? 8) Ensure that shortly after exchanging your link
is not removed, it happens all the time. So look for bona fide partners. 9) And
finally do not abuse! Finally, the change can only be cautiously -). Just like
with directories, do not subscribe to the full comer trash at best a waste of
time, I should change efficiently and wisely. Better yet, unless of course,
there is money to buy links, but more on that next time. More reading: ABC
terms and jargon for SEO
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